Can You See Who Clicks on Your Instagram Link?

That link in your Instagram bio is a great place to position a site, product, or contact page that you…

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That link in your Instagram bio is a great place to position a site, product, or contact page that you want to draw attention to – particularly if you have a large following or find that your posts garner good engagement and a steady stream of users to your profile.

But while the position of this link is great for encouraging action, business owners and brand account managers in particular may be keen to find out how many clicks this gets – and who those clicks come from.

The simplest answer to this is, unfortunately, no. While Instagram’s algorithm and the data collected is enough to let you know how many clicks the link gets, the app will not tell you who has clicked. It also won’t tell you how many users have seen the link and chosen to click, making it difficult to work out a click through rate.

Having said that, there is some information you can glean from Instagram relating to your clicks…

While you may not be able to see the username or details of who has clicked on your Instagram link, the app will tell you the following:

  • How many clicks your link has received
  • How many clicks originated on Instagram
  • The location of users who click
  • Demographic information including age and gender

Using this information, you can further enhance and tailor your marketing activity towards a core target group, selecting a link that will appeal to them and creating content which drives them towards that link.

NOTE: Only business and professional account holders can access information on the number of clicks a bio link has had. So, if you want to unlock this information and insight, you need to update your profile type to a professional one with the business dashboard.

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