What Does Flag Mean On Instagram?

To ‘flag’ something generally means to bring it to someone or something’s attention. On Instagram, flagging is another way of…

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To ‘flag’ something generally means to bring it to someone or something’s attention.

On Instagram, flagging is another way of saying ‘reporting’ with regards to a post or account. However, it’s important to recognise that the little flag which sits at the bottom of each post is not a negative icon but rather a ‘Save’ icon which moves that post to your saved items.

The term ‘flagging’ on Instagram is the same as ‘Reporting’ the account – in fact, in order to ‘flag’ an account or comment you need to select the ‘Report’ function on their profile or post.

It’s important whenever undertaking this process, that you put plenty of information about why you are flagging an account or specific post that they have shared. Without detail about what the issue is, Instagram will not be able to recognise the violation as easily.

What Does Flag Mean On Instagram?

A Quick Recap…

There is a flag icon underneath every Instagram post you see. This is actually a save button and is a shortcut way to save any posts that you like so that you can find them easily at a later date.

Flagging a user or post that they have shared means letting Instagram know that they have violated the community guidelines, or that you are offended by their content.

We hope this helps! Let’s keep Instagram a safe and enjoyable space to engage and communicate online.

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