What Does Ib Mean on TikTok?

As with any social media platform, there are always going to be abbreviations and acronyms that you come across and…

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As with any social media platform, there are always going to be abbreviations and acronyms that you come across and don’t understand when browsing TikTok.

IB is one of those acronyms which keeps cropping up on the platform, leaving many users stumped as to what it means.

In fact, the meaning behind IB, both in a caption and used as a hashtag, is incredibly simple – and speaks to the very construction of TikTok as a sociable and share-friendly app.

IB stands for Inspired By.

How Is Ib Used on TikTok?

IB can be used as a hashtag and in a comment or caption and will often be presented interchangeably in both lower case and upper case text.

It is used by some of the most prolific influencers and creators on TikTok.

Generally, it is the quickest and most effective way of crediting other users for a content idea or a trend that they have come up with. It could be that you have seen a creator do something and want to try it for yourself, using the IB tag to let followers know who inspired you.

So, if you see the tag IB followed by a ‘@’ sign and username, you can be fairly confident that the creator is crediting another user for an idea or topic of conversation.

Happy creating!