What Happens When You Unfollow Someone on Instagram?

What Happens When You Unfollow Someone on Instagram? This is a question that pops up regularly across the internet, typically…

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What Happens When You Unfollow Someone on Instagram?

This is a question that pops up regularly across the internet, typically asked by people who want to unfollow and remove friends or accounts from their ‘Following’ list but without upsetting anyone.

And believe it or not, the answer is incredibly simple – almost nothing happens!

Unfollowing another user on Instagram does not notify them, and nor does it affect anything other than your newsfeed and the ‘Following’ number on your profile.

This is because Instagram does not notify users when their profile is unfollowed, blocked, or restricted by others – in order to protect the user who takes action against another. In fact, the only way that the user will be able to tell that you have unfollowed them is by searching for their own name in your ‘Following’ list or searching for your name in their ‘Followers’ list.

From your perspective, unfollowing someone means that you will no longer see their posts or updates. It may also mean that any messages they send to you are sent to requests inbox rather than your normal inbox.

NOTE: If you unfollow someone who has a private account, you will no longer be able to see their content or updates – and will have to request to follow them if you decide to reverse the action and join their Instagram community again. If they haven’t noticed up until that point, the request to follow will give away your position.

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We hope this helps!