Being asked to become a godmother isn’t just a huge honor, but also often a lot of fun — and that can be true regardless of whether you’re a devout Christian or the godmother gig is more secular for you. After all, when you’re a godmother, you very nearly, sort of, become the child’s family.
Maybe you’re looking for godmother captions for Instagram to show off those baptismal pics, or perhaps you’re already much further along in your duties and you’re taking your teenage godchild out for a weekend of camping or fun.
Either way, that special bond should be shown off — and that means you need the right godmother Instagram captions. Are you a little low on inspiration for the moment? Don’t worry! We’re here to save the day with a whole list of fun and meaningful ideas that show all your IG followers what it’s like to be a godmother.
How to Write Engaging Godmother Captions for Instagram
We know — being a godmother can be a huge responsibility! Perhaps your godchild is out there on Insta too, reading everything you post about it. If he or she is still a baby, it’s only a matter of time before that happens, so tread carefully! How do you get those captions right?
If you’re not sure, maybe these quick tips will help:
- Need godmother Instagram captions because you’ve just been chosen for the special role? Captions that talk about how grateful you are to be asked and how excited you are to help raise the child are generally the way to go. Keep it simple and classy.
- Got funny baptism pics? Of course you do! Sometimes, the best way to go with your godmother captions for Instagram is to add some puns or fun to the mix. Godmothers and cool aunties have a lot in common, and humor, too, is part of your role!
- Play up that cool auntie role in godmother Instagram captions for pictures of you and your older godchild(ren), too, because that’s the fastest way to steal their hearts.
- If you feel like it, you can also share more spiritual captions — which shows you’re taking the role seriously.
- Still stuck? A good quote about being a godmother, or an inspirational line about raising Christian children, is never a bad move. We’ve got some nice options for you down below, in our quotes section.
Still having trouble writing great godmother Instagram captions? That’s OK. Scroll down to find the inspo jackpot, and feel absolutely free to use any of our ideas if they resonate with you! That’s what this list is for!
Godmother Instagram Captions for Selfies
1. Being a godmother is my love language, and I’ll always shower you with attention and gifts.
2. The best things in life are free, like when your bestie asks you to be godmother to her firstborn!
3. Selfie game strong. Godmother game even stronger.
4. Radiating godmother vibes and feeling holy.
5. Today’s good mood is sponsored by being asked to serve as godmother! Can’t wait!
6. Never fear, the godmother is here to brighten up your day, one selfie at a time.
7. My little angel is getting baptized today and I’ll be the godmother. Couldn’t be prouder.
8. Blessed, not stressed, and totally obsessed with my godchild!
9. They asked me to be a godmother, and all I got was this lousy t-shirt.
10. Just me, this little bundle of joy, and our two beating hearts.
Funny Godmother Captions for Instagram
11. Being a godmother is my cardio and this baptism is just my warm up! I can’t wait to spend lots of time with her!
12. Cool aunt vibes, but with extra godmother bits. This is going to be a fun ride.
13. Happiness is spelled “godmother,” and nothing can change my mind. I wouldn’t have turned down the offer to be his godmother in a million years.
14. Channeling my inner fairy godmother and feeling zen.
15. If you need me, I’ll be busy finding out what being a godmother actually entails. (Oops. I already said I’d do it!)
16. Sprinkling faith wherever I go. What? I’m a godmother, it’s my job.
17. Godmothers, unite — and get ready to sprinkle these kids with love and gifts!
18. Godmothers: Magical creatures who love your child nearly as much as you do.
19. Childless and single. Hey, but at least I’m a godmother, and that’s even better.
20. Sharing is caring, so I’m posting about a million photos of the little one’s baptism. I love being a godmother.
Cute Godmother Instagram Captions
21. Looking fancy in our baptismal best and ready to meet Jesus!
22. There’s nothing sweeter than the joy of being a godmother and watching the little one grow up.
23. Chasing spiritual adventures and baptisms with my godchild. We’re inseparable.
24. Being a godmother is 90% cuteness and 10% worrying about them just as much as their parents do.
25. Just me, my godchild, and Jesus Christ. Best trio ever.
26. Godmother vibes, spiritual times, and sweet nights.
27. Today’s sponsor? Jesus, because we all need a little more faith in our hearts!
28. You want me to be your child’s godmother? Well, I watched the Godfather more than once, I guess I am qualified for that job.
29. Finding love and faith everywhere I go, because being a godmother is the best thing that’s happened to me.
30. So honored to play a special role in this cutie’s life! Thank you for picking me!
Godchild & Godmother Captions for Instagram
31. Just a godmother doing godmother things, like showering her goddaughter with candy. You probably wouldn’t get it.
32. Basking in His glorious light on the beach with my godchild!
33. If you need us, we’ll be busy catching up on the latest gossip. What else are godmothers for?
34. Today’s forecast? Fun with spells of eating. That’s what happens when you come to your godmother’s house!
35. The best things in life are free, like spending all afternoon with my godchild.
36. Just my goddaughter, me, and a glorious afternoon filled with shopping.
37. Ever wonder what godmothers actually do? Well, today, I’m grabbing a mani-pedi with my wonderful goddaughter.
38. Smile, because my godchild is getting baptized today.
39. Us? Oh, we’re just a godmother and a godchild having a fun afternoon.
40. Sorry, but my godson and I already have other plans for the weekend.
I’m Going to Be a Godmother Instagram Captions
41. Super excited to become this little one’s godmother! What a wonderful honor!
42. Godmother: Like a mom, but way cooler. Can’t wait!
43. Godmother mode? Soon to be activated. Watch this space.
44. I can’t believe my best friend asked me to be a godmother! I guess that makes us family now.
45. Sharing is caring so here’s my little godchild before his baptism.
46. Best news I’ve ever heard. I’ll be a godmother and here’s the little bundle of joy.
47. I love my godmother to pieces and I can’t wait to share the same kind of bond with this little one.
48. There are many godchildren out there, but this one’s mine, and I think that’s quite special.
49. Sure, I’ll be the fairy godmother you’ve always wanted. The cookies are already in the oven.
50. I’m a cool aunt and a godmother all mashed up into one ball of awesomeness.
Godmother Captions for Instagram for Baptismal Photos
51. Pic or it didn’t happen, right? That’s why I brought my selfie stick to my godchild’s baptism.
52. First selfie of many with my new godchild. We look cute, right?
53. Outfits on point, ready to be baptized!
54. Ready for her baptism and 100% excited to be her godmother forever.
55. Say yes to baptism and no to bad vibes! We’re not scared of a little water, are we?
56. Welcome to the faith, little one! I am so excited to be part of raising you.
57. I’ve got a one way ticket to godmother town, and nothing can get me down!
58. Every photo tells a story, and this one says I’ll always be here for you!
59. Sharing is caring, so here’s my favorite photo from my godchild’s baptism. I’m so glad to have been a part of it.
60. Little feet and huge smiles. This is the start of a beautiful story that I feel so honored to be part of.
Sassy Godmother Instagram Captions
61. I run on coffee, sarcasm, and after my godchild. What else are godmothers for?
62. Sassy, classy, and the coolest godmother you’ve ever seen.
63. Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the sassiest faerie godmother of them all?
64. I’m not just a regular godmother, I’m a cool godmother.
65. I’m fluent in sarcasm, but I also speak fairy godmother.
66. I’m the best parts of being a mother and spirituality compressed into a physical medium.
67. May the godmother be with you.
68. The godmother vibes are strong with this one.
69. Say “godmother” and come take a selfie!
70. Who says you can’t be sassy and a godmother at the same time? It’s called multitasking.
Inspirational Godmother Captions for Instagram
71. You miss 100% of the afternoons you don’t spend with your godson, and if you ask me, that’s 100% too many.
72. When they asked me to be a godmother, I just said yes without thinking, but now I’m so grateful to be part of this little one’s story!
73. My brain is 90% godmother and 10% muffins right now. What? The little one has to have a snack, right!?
74. So excited to help my little goddaughter grow in the faith. What am amazing honor!
75. Came for the cute baby smiles, stayed to make sure my little godson grows up with a strong faith.
76. I’m basically his godmother, but without the spiritual stuff. We all need families of our own making!
77. Shoot for the godmother vibes, because even if you miss, you’ll still have a faith-filled journey ahead of you.
78. It’s not about the destination. It’s about all the little moments I get to spend with my godchild.
79. Not all who wander are lost. Some are just taking their sweet time appreciating all those cute moments with their goddaughters.
80. Godmothers don’t let godchildren grow up without lots of love and cuddles!
Spiritual Godmother Instagram Captions
81. What a magical moment! Welcome to the faith, little one!
82. Meet me where the faith is strong and my godchild is getting baptized.
83. Everyone stop what you’re doing… my godchild is getting baptized!
84. She’s a little gift from God, and I’m so happy to be her godmother.
85. Becoming a godmother has really renewed my excitement about going to Church!
86. A moment spent with my godchild is never a moment wasted.
87. Splash, splash! Look who’s getting baptized today! And that’s her godmother there with her. Me!
88. I know someday he’ll fly far with his little angelic wings.
89. All we need is faith, fun, and weekends filled with laughter. Right, goddaughter?
90. Godmother + godchild + the weekend = the perfect way to spend a sunny afternoon.
Beautiful Quotes for Godmother Captions for Instagram
91. “We are called to live our baptism every day, as new creatures, clothed in Christ.” — Pope Francis
92. “The key to happiness — as any good fairy godmother will tell you — is not to avoid problems, but to overcome them.” — Janette Rallison
93. “The goal of parenting isn’t to create perfect kids. It’s to point our kids to the perfect God.” — Lindsey Bell
94. “The grace of being is gift of baptism by washing in water. And in spirit of Christ Jesus.” — Lailah Gifty Akita
95. Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. — Psalms 127:3
96. Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. — Proverbs 22:6
97. “Baptism is the initial step of a faithful heart.” — Max Lucado
98. “In order to live a life of holiness, we must first receive new life from God — we must be born from above.” — J Vernon McGee
99. “I was like their own fairy godmother! Always there when they needed support!” — Hannah Gardner
100. And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them. — Mark 10:16
Short Godmother Instagram Captions
101. Godmother vibes only.
102. Keep calm and hug your godchild.
103. Godmothers are always the right answer. The question doesn’t matter.
104. Wanted: A fairy godmother.
105. Live, love, laugh, godmother.
106. Ready. Set. Godmother!
107. Thanks, godmother! You made my day.
108. Always say yes to being a godmother.
109. Got 99 problems, but being a godmother ain’t one.
110. It’s always godmother o’clock somewhere.
FAQ About Godmother Captions for Instagram
How long should my godmother captions for Instagram be?
Most of the time, Instagram captions between one and three sentences work the best. Those are short enough to be readable, and yet long enough to give you space to say something interesting. Your Christian Instagram captions can be a little longer if you want to go into more depth, but be prepared for the fact that not all your followers will read them the whole way through.
Should I include any emojis in my godmother Instagram captions?
We think that’s a nice touch! Emojis like 👼, 😇, ☁️, ✨️, 💫, 💞, 💖, ❤️, 🥰, and 🙏 can really spice those captions up, and as a nice little bonus, they’ll earn you more likes and comments, too.
Can you suggest any popular hashtags for godmother captions for Instagram?
Some of the best options include #godmother (simple and sweet), #godmotherlove, #godmotherlife, #godmotherduties, #godmothervibes, and #lovemygodchild.