The caption on a TikTok is what adds context to the post, letting both TikTok’s algorithm and followers and users know what the post is all about.
Many TikTok creators use the caption to share some extra information about a post, be it in the form of a link or a background story. For others, the caption is all about adding humour and context to the post, outlining the challenges or trend being followed, or sharing core memories with friends.
Whatever it is you want your caption to communicate, the time to write it comes at the very end of the TikTok creation and editing process. This is where you are given both a title box and a main caption text box, in which you can add hashtags and mention other users, link to other existing videos, or keep it simple with text and a few emojis.
But what happens when you get something wrong, share your post, and later realise you need to change the caption?
3 Steps to Edit the Caption on a TikTok Post
- Head to your profile page to open the TikTok that you want to edit
- With the video in full screen view mode, click on the three dots at the bottom of the interaction list, running down the right hand side of the screen
- Scroll along the bottom line of grey icons, until you find ‘Edit Post’. Click on this – and voila!
Your TikTok post is now free to edit accordingly, whether that’s fixing a grammatical error or spelling mistake, or tagging / mentioning a user or business that you forgot to credit.
We hope this helps you to perfect each and every piece of content you put out there on TikTok!