One of the great things about TikTok is the way that the app facilitates super unique and engaging content through the addition of editing tools and effects.
Unlike Instagram and other apps which are incredibly visual, and which relegate most of the filters and effects to the look of a post, TikTok focuses on the complete experience.
This includes, but is not limited to, audio, voiceovers, layered sound, and more.
What Is the Trickster Voice?
The Trickster voiceover effect on TikTok is one of the most popular, because of the high pitched and mischievous, but incredibly engaging tone.
Comical and easy to understand, this voiceover has become particularly popular on videos which are designed to entertain – but how do you access it?
Well, in order to create a voiceover you first need to decide what you want the voice to say…
5 Steps to Add a Voiceover to Your TikTok
- Open TikTok and click on the large plus sign in the centre at the bottom of your screen
- Select the video clips or photos that you want to upload, and make sure that the content is set to ‘Video’
- Tap on the ‘Aa’ icon to add text, and type your caption or text
- Select the text and click on ‘Text to Speech’
- The text that you have typed out will convert to speech, which you can adjust and edit with regards to the filter and voice tone using the different options available. Trickster is just one of the voices that you can choose, which has been created by a TikTok user
How to Search for Trickster
Trickster is considered one of the character voices, which means that it is most likely found under the ‘Characters’ section on TikTok voices.
If you have used it before, you may also find it in the ‘For You’ section of the TikTok filters and effects.
We hope this helps! Using a viral and incredibly popular voice effect like Trickster will inevitably drive more users to your content and may help those who don’t already follow you, to find your content.