Instagram stories have fast become one of the most accessible ways in which users share content.
Allowing images and videos to be shared, tagged with local destinations, or linked to business pages and other users, Instagram stories have become a core part of the way that we interact on Instagram – and can be liked, shared, or commented on via a Direct Message.
What’s more, Instagram stories can be adapted according to your preference as a user. You can control how long the image is displayed for, whether you add text or not, whether other users can share your content to their own followers, and even create different engagement and response methods (think polls, question boxes, and more).
If you’re looking to get started with Instagram stories, a good way to break yourself in is by connecting your latest post directly to your story. This means that even if a user hasn’t seen the post on their own Instagram feed, they can encounter it via the rolling carousel of stories – and click through to the full post if they find the image and caption compelling.
Here’s a quick guide on Instagram stories and how to start using them by sharing your Instagram posts.
Where Can You Find Instagram Stories?
When you open the Instagram app, a series of circles appear along the top of the homepage, showcasing the profile pictures of those you follow.
These tend to be displayed in an order which is determined by how likely you are to engage with the content, relying on Instagram’s algorithms and backend data.
Clicking on the circular profile picture of a user will take you directly to their Instagram story – and will then continue to roll through the stories of other users until you choose to exit the carousel.
Sharing an Instagram Post to Your Story in 5 Steps
Sharing an existing post to your own Instagram story (indicated by your own profile picture) is one of the easiest ways to organically maximise the number of users who will see your post.
- Click on the post that you want to share
- Select the arrow, which sits next to the ‘Heart’ and ‘Comment’ icons, just under the image
- Click on ‘Add to Story’
- This will take you through to a full screen view with your post in the centre. You can display the caption or keep it simple by clicking on the image, and add emojis, text, and other elements to the full screen view using the tools available
- Once you’re happy with the view, click on the arrow pointing right, situated in the bottom right corner of the screen
And voila! Your post has been shared and will be available for 24 hours from the time of sharing.
You can check out your own story at any time by clicking on your own profile picture – and be sure to keep an eye on your Direct Messages for any reactions, messages, or responses to your post!
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