How to Use TikTok Analytics to Grow Your Account and Connect with Your Audience

TikTok gives brands a powerful way to connect with young and creative audiences, but not all your videos will perform…

TikTok gives brands a powerful way to connect with young and creative audiences, but not all your videos will perform well. Do you want to replicate the success of your hits and avoid future misses?

TikTok Analytics is an inbuilt tool that helps you grow your audience. Everyone with a TikTok business account can take advantage of TikTok Analytics. This guide shows you how.

What Is TikTok Analytics? Who Can Access It?

TikTok Analytics helps brands that use TikTok to promote their goods or services track how their profile performs.

TikTok makes this powerful feature available for free — you only need a TikTok business account to see:

  • How many views your videos are getting.
  • How many TikTok users have viewed your profile.
  • The growth rate of your account.
  • The demographics of your audience, including location data.
  • When your audience is online.

TikTok Analytics is a great way to discover how you should tweak your content and the timing of your posts to engage your viewers.

How to See TikTok Analytics on Mobile

Do you already have a TikTok business account? It’s easy to see TikTok Analytics on mobile:

Step 1: Launch TikTok and Tap Your Profile

Tap your TikTok profile in the bottom right corner of your screen to open your profile page.

Next, tap the hamburger menu (three horizontal lines) in the top right corner.

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Step 2: Select ‘Creator Tools’ and ‘Analytics’

Go to “Analytics” at the top of the “Creator Tools” menu.

That’s it! You can explore all the data TikTok Analytics offers from there.

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How to See TikTok Analytics on Desktop

People with TikTok business accounts can access their TikTok Analytics just as easily from a desktop computer:

Step 1: Open TikTok in Your Browser

Log in to your TikTok account if needed.

Step 2: Navigate to Your Profile Picture

Find your TikTok profile picture at the top right of your screen and click it.

Step 3: Select ‘Business Suite’

Choose “Business Suite” from your options.

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That’s it!

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Step 4: Head Directly to the TikTok Analytics Page Next Time

Are you already logged in? You can skip these steps and head directly to the TikTok Analytics page.

How to Switch to a TikTok Business Account

TikTok strongly encourages anyone who primarily uses their TikTok account to promote their business to switch to a business account.

Business accounts offer lots of perks. These include access to a free music library and advice on how to grow your TikTok account.

TikTok Analytics is just one great reason to switch to a business account today, and it’s easy to do:

Step 1: Launch TikTok and Go to Your Profile

Select the hamburger menu at the top right corner. Choose “Settings and Privacy” from the options.

Step 2: Tap ‘Account’

Choose the “Switch to Business Account” option.

Step 3: Follow the Prompts to Switch to a TikTok Business Account

Follow the instructions to complete the process. Enjoy your new TikTok business account and all the perks it offers.

TikTok Business Account

Step 4: Create a Separate Personal TikTok Account

Self-employed professionals and small business owners who have switched to a TikTok business account should use this account to promote their products or services.

TikTok business accounts are always public; you can’t hide your videos. These accounts don’t have access to the same music library as personal accounts.

Create a new account if you also want to post personal videos.

What Information Can You Find on TikTok Analytics? An Overview

TikTok Analytics has a wealth of information. Understanding how to harvest it is key to growing your audience — and your sales.

After you follow the steps to access TikTok Analytics, you’ll find four sections at the top of your screen:

  • Overview
  • Content
  • Followers
  • LIVE.

Here’s an overview of everything you can find in these sections.

TikTok Analytics: What You’ll Find in the ‘Overview’ Tab

The “Overview” tab in TikTok Analytics shows how your account performance has changed over time.

TikTok Analytics — Overview 1

You can see analytics for:

  • The last seven days
  • The last month
  • The last two months

You can also select a custom date range. 

The “Overview” tab has multiple sections:

TikTok Analytics — Overview 2

Video Views

Navigate to “Video Views” to see how your TikTok videos have performed over the last seven days.

This tab also lets you see how many views your TikTok videos have received over the last 28 or 60 days — or you can enter a custom date range.

The “Video Views” section shows how the performance of your content has changed over time. Use it to discover what kind of content hits home with your viewers and what tweaks could improve your account.

Profile Views

The “Profile Views” tab in TikTok Analytics offers a lot of information:

  • You can see how many TikTok users have viewed your account profile in the last seven, 28, or 60 days — or enter a custom date range.
  • The “Profile Views” tab shows how many likes, shares, and comments you received on individual videos.
  • You’ll also be able to see whether the number of likes, shares, comments, and views has increased or decreased over time. TikTok gives you an exact percentage.

TikTok Analytics: What You’ll Find in the ‘Content’ Tab

The “Content” tab is the second tab in the TikTok Analytics menu. It’s an easy way to see which of your recent videos have performed best — and to gather other valuable data.

Here’s what the “Content’ tab offers:

Video Posts

Hitting “Video Posts” shows you how many views your last nine TikTok videos got.

This tab also tells you whether you’ve kept up with your posting frequency, stagnated, or posted more Tiktok videos than before.

Trending Videos

The “Trending Videos” tab shows you which nine of your TikTok videos were most popular in the last week.

Video Views by Section

Discover how your viewers found you in this section. Did your content get on their “For You” page, or did your viewers go to your profile?

Video Views by Region

This section shows where your viewers are located with a handy graph.

Average Watch Time

Do your viewers make it to the end of your TikTok videos, or do they click your content away? Find out in this TikTok Analytics tab and learn how compelling your content is.

Total Play Time

The last section in the TikTok Analytics “Content” tab shows how much time people have spent watching your videos.

TikTok Analytics: What You’ll Find in the ‘Followers’ Tab

The “Followers” tab tells you more about the people who follow your TikTok account. TikTok Analytics also shows you whether you’re gaining or losing followers.

This TikTok Analytics tab is extremely useful — it lets you see if your TikTok videos are reaching the right audience or if you still have work to do.

Here’s what you can glean from the Followers tab:


This tab shows you how many followers your TikTok account has gained or lost over the last seven days and how many followers you currently have.

Growth Rate

Find out if your TikTok account has lost or gained followers compared to the last seven days or a custom date range.


This tab breaks your followers down by gender and helps you assess if you are connecting with your target demographic.

Top Territories

Find out where your followers are located here. TikTok shows you a handy graph that includes percentages.

Follower Activity

Go to this tab to see when your followers are online. TikTok Analytics shows you on which days and during which hours your audience is most likely to be active on the platform.

TikTok presents this data in the form of a graph.

Understanding your follower activity is a great way to decide how to schedule your future TikTok videos.

TikTok Analytics: What You’ll Find in the ‘LIVE’ Tab

The “LIVE” tab shares information about the performance of your TikTok Live videos — you can skip this section if you never post any.

The information you’ll gather in the “LIVE” tab on TikTok Analytics includes:

  • The number of viewers your live videos attracted over the last week.
  • How much time you’ve spent live on TikTok.
  • How many people have watched your videos at the same time.
  • How many unique viewers have watched your live videos. (This info eliminates people who have watched your content more than once.)
  • How many “diamonds” you received.

How to Download TikTok Analytics Data

Brands that use TikTok to connect with their audience with the goal of increasing sales might have an entire team working on their social media strategies.

Viewing your TikTok Analytics data through the platform won’t be enough in this case. You’ll want to download your TikTok analytics data to run in-depth analyses.

Here’s how:

Step 1: Launch the Desktop Version of TikTok

You can only download your TikTok Analytics data through the browser version. Open TikTok in a web browser on a desktop or laptop computer and log into your account.

Step 2: Go to Your Profile and Select ‘Business Suite’

Click on your profile in the top right corner of your screen. Select “Business Suite.”

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Step 3: Click on ‘Overview’ and Hit ‘Download Data’

You’ll find “Download data” in the top right corner of your screen.

Click it to download your TikTok Analytics data as a CSV file.

TikTok Analytics — Download Data

How to Use TikTok Analytics to Grow Your Business Account: A Final Word

TikTok Analytics is an amazing free tool that gives anyone with a TikTok business account a range of data to:

  • Analyze the performance of your TikTok account.
  • Learn the best time to post videos on TikTok to connect with your viewers.
  • Discover which of your videos are most effective — and what you might need to do differently.
  • Evaluate if your TikTok videos are reaching the right audience.

How to Switch to a TikTok Business Account

Switch to a TikTok business account in a few easy steps to access TikTok Analytics:

  • Go to your profile and tap the hamburger menu.
  • Select “Settings and privacy” and “Switch to business account.”
  • Follow the prompts.

How to See Your TikTok Analytics

Mobile users can access TikTok Analytics in a few easy steps:

  • Head for your profile and tap the hamburger menu.
  • Choose “Creator Tools” and then tap “Analytics.”

If you don’t use TikTok Analytics yet, you’re missing out. Getting started with TikTok Analytics is quick, easy, and free — and now you know how.