What Does DMV Mean on TikTok?

Whether you browse TikTok on an hourly, daily, or ad hoc basis, we probably don’t need to tell you how…

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Whether you browse TikTok on an hourly, daily, or ad hoc basis, we probably don’t need to tell you how quickly things change in the app.

From the rise in trends to a steep increase in the use of acronyms, TikTok is constantly changing and adapting depending on what’s hot and what’s not.

DMV is one of the acronyms which taps into both the rise in TikTok slang and trends – but what does it mean?

DMV stands for Dance Music Video.

When Is DMV Used on TikTok?

DMV was first used as a hashtag, adding context to some dance music videos posted and shared by an influencer who is known for her dance skills.

The influencer, Jalaiah Harmon, started the trend by sharing her own dance videos to popular songs – with followers soon picking up on the trend and sharing their own videos to accompany songs.

Since then, the use of DMV has adapted and expanded to encompass lip sync videos as well as dance videos.

Is DMV a hashtag or acronym that you have come across while browsing and using the TikTok app? Let us know how and where you’ve seen these three letters!