What Does Moots Mean on TikTok?

TikTok is packed with acronyms and abbreviations, some of which translate into everyday life and normal language, and some of…

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TikTok is packed with acronyms and abbreviations, some of which translate into everyday life and normal language, and some of which are specific to TikTok.

‘Moots’ is one of those terms which, when you know what it means, makes sense.

But to get to that stage, we need to first build a definition.

Moots is shorthand for ‘Mutuals’ or ‘Mutual Followers’.

It is a quick way of referring to those users who you follow, that follow you back.

When Is Moots Used?

Because of what it means, ‘moots’ is a term which is generally used exclusively on and about social media.

What’s more, ‘moots’ are often friends who are made through social media – meaning that most of your interaction with them is done through social channels. They are not, therefore, real life friends but rather friends who exist on social media.

You might also see ‘moots’ used as a hashtag, primarily by those who are seeking out new mutual friends and followers, with common interests and to help build an online community.

Regardless of how and where it is used, ‘moots’ is a way of referring to people who you interact with on social, sharing a mutual following of each other’s accounts.