What Does ONB Mean On Instagram?

Instagram users love an acronym. Not only does it save time and valuable energy, but it also makes communicating key…

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Instagram users love an acronym. Not only does it save time and valuable energy, but it also makes communicating key phrases easier – provided, of course, that the recipient of your message or reader of your caption understand the acronym you’re using.

ONB is one such acronym which is not used widely outside of the app – in fact, we would go so far as to say it’s quite exclusively used by the modern social media crowd.

And perhaps most interestingly of all, it doesn’t stop at just one meaning…

ONB has a few different meanings attached to it. The most common are:

  • Outward Nose Breath
  • Old News Bro
  • On Bro

Outward Nose Breath

This version of ONB most likely links back to the emoji which shows a frustrated face with heavy breath visible, coming from the two nostrils.

Or it could be used as a way of saying that something is mildly funny but not quite funny enough to merit a full ‘Lol’ acronym.

See what we mean – even the most random of acronyms can incite multiple meanings!

Old News Bro

This version of ONB is quite self-explanatory and is used as a way of telling a friend or connection that what they are saying is “old news”.

Typically, this is used between friends and is a way of highlighting disdain over “old” gossip.

On Bro

Confused? So were we, but apparently this version of ONB is a way of telling someone that what they are saying is truthful and authentic.

When a user sends the ‘On Bro’ version of ONB to another user, they are essentially saying that the other user should believe everything that’s being said because it’s genuine and 100% true.

With all that in mind, which version of ONB are you most likely to understand and recognise the next time you are on Instagram?

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