There are some acronyms and abbreviations on TikTok which are comedic, while others are more serious, and others still hide a crude and somewhat inappropriate meaning.
WAP is one acronym which falls into the latter category and is derived from a Cardi B song where she refers to WAP as ‘Wet A** P***’.
In short, WAP is a shorthand way of referring to a female’s sexual arousal and excitement – and has become a trend across TikTok for highlighting and emphasising women’s empowerment. Videos include female users in particular creating their own content in light of the song and its meaning, specifically around the open nature of female empowerment and desirability.
But while the meaning of WAP on TikTok is clear, especially with the unarguable trend behind the videos linked with this acronym, it is not the only interpretation of WAP worth noting.
Other Meanings of Wap
WAP can also stand for With A Passion.
In this context, WAP can be used as a quick way of saying that you feel or love something “with a passion”- that is, wholeheartedly and completely.
Another meaning which is popular and has been noted both on and off TikTok likens WAP to Women Against Patriarchy. Again, this highlights female empowerment but in a slightly more PG way.
We hope this helps! Getting to the bottom of the many acronyms on TikTok is a fulltime job in itself, though we find that the more you know about how people communicate on the app, the easier it is to understand and use the app!