The ‘Favourite’ function on TikTok is like an in-app save option.
It allows users to send videos that they like and want to save for future reference to a specific folder, accessible only to them via their profile page.
Favourited videos are saved to a specific grid on the user’s profile page, where they can then be sorted into collections or left as free individual videos.
But sometimes, the favourite button doesn’t work. And like anything on social media and our smartphone devices, when this happens it can be really annoying.
Which is why we’ve created this quick article sharing some of the reasons why you may find yourself unable to favourite videos and save them to that grid on your profile.
1. Your TikTok Cache is Overrun
This is the root cause behind a number of issues you may experience on TikTok, largely because the cache is a kind of memory which stores information about every video you watch on the app.
Clearing the cache is a quick way to decrease the amount of data being in by the app, clearing the way for new favourites and new activity.
You can clear the cache by accessing your TikTok settings then heading into the storage section, before clearing both cache and download data.
2. Your Version of the App is Outdated
This is another common issue that many users will experience – primarily because the app does not necessarily tell you when you are running outdated version but will instead deliver a less optimised experience until you realise it for yourself.
If your app is outdated, then you may find other functions not working besides the favourite button. This can be quickly fixed by deleting and reinstalling the app to automatically download the latest version, or by heading into your device app store and updating the app.
3. Your Network Connection is Poor
When in doubt, blame the internet.
So many issues on TikTok and other social media apps are caused by bad connection – so much so that if you’re having any issues with tools and features, it’s always worth disconnecting from the WiFi or finding out if there is an alternative network that you can log into.
4. Something is Wrong at TikTok HQ
If all of the above touchpoints seem to be working, then it might just be that TikTok is experiencing some app issues at HQ – many of which are identified and fixed in virtually no time at all.
If this is the case, then patience is key. Head to another social media app and search for TikTok if you want to confirm the issue (as you can rest assured that if something’s wrong, others will be talking about it!)
We hope this helps! There’s nothing more irritating than when something stops working. But if it’s not an issue with your own account or network then the chances are it’s a wider issue that you need to wait out.