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Kjøp Instagram-visninger med øyeblikkelig levering

Twicsy lar deg trygt øke visningene på Instagram-videoene dine med bare noen få enkle trinn.

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  • Bestillinger starter om 60 sekunder
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Bli lagt merke til med Instagram-videovisninger

Merkevarer, små bedrifter og enkeltpersoner synes det er utfordrende å bygge
momentumet som trengs for å få videoene deres til å bli virale på Instagram.

Twicsys ekte Instagram-visninger gir beregningene dine det løftet de trenger - for å få deg lagt merke til!

  • Ikke vent på resultater

    Når du kjøper Instagram-visninger på Twicsy, får du alltid øyeblikkelig levering.

  • Sikre og velprøvde visninger

    Få organiske IG-visninger fra ekte, aktive og pålitelige kontoer.

  • Døgnåpen kundestøtte

    Twicsys erfarne medarbeidere er stolte av å tilby best mulig service.

Kjøp Instagram-visninger enkelt med Twicsy

  • Trenger jeg flere Instagram-visninger?

    Instagram-markedsføringseksperter vet at det bare er én måte å få en video til å bli viral på: mange andre mennesker må allerede ha sett den. Hvorfor? Surfere vil ha «bevis» på at å klikke på avspillingsknappen vil være verdt tiden deres. På Instagram er det beviset «antall visninger.»

    Så hvis du vil at videoen din skal sees mye – ja, du trenger flere Instagram-visninger.

    Hvis du har en ny Instagram-konto uten mange nye følgere, har Twicsy løsningen du trenger. Vi leverer ekte visninger fra ekte Instagram-brukere, øker antall visninger og gjør tidligere ignorert innhold av høy kvalitet til en «må-se-video!»

    Og det økte brukerengasjementet er akkurat det Instagram-algoritmen ser etter. Det betyr at Instagram vil vise videoen din til et bredere antall Instagram-kontoer, og din tilstedeværelse vil bli styrket på hashtag og utforske sider.

  • Får jeg kvalitetsvisninger fra Twicsy?

    Store mengder visninger fra roboter eller falske kontoer som andre Instagram-tjenesteleverandører leverer, hjelper deg ikke i det hele tatt. Derimot designet vi Twicsy for å gi den optimale balansen mellom kvantitet og kvalitet for Instagram-engasjement. Vi leverer ekte avspillinger fra virkelige personer, og vi tilbyr også pakker med ulike organiske visninger som lar deg velge hvilken type seere du trenger.

    Med Instagram-erfaring kan vi sikre at disse øyeblikkelige visningene ikke skader kontoen din eller beregningene dine. De er en trygg måte å øke omdømmet, merkevarebevisstheten eller tilstedeværelsen på sosiale medier. De er også flotte for påvirkere!

  • Hvilken informasjon trenger Twicsy fra meg?

    Alt vi trenger er e-postadressen din, Instagram-brukernavnet og Instagram-videoen eller Instagram-historien du vil markedsføre. Vi vil aldri be om passordet ditt eller annen sensitiv informasjon. Kassen er på en helt sikker server. Vi lagrer aldri noen detaljer fra betalingsmetodene dine (som kredittkortinformasjon). Dataene dine er trygge, og personvernet ditt er beskyttet – samtidig som vi løfter Instagram-profilen din og tilstedeværelsen din på nettet med visninger av høy kvalitet.

  • Hvor raskt vil jeg se resultater med Twicsy?

    Du kan ikke «vente og se hva som skjer» på sosiale medieplattformer. Du må bevege deg raskt, spesielt i Insta-verdenen. Og det er det Twicsy gjør. Du ser nye ekte videovisninger eller historievisninger på videoen din innen 24 timer, ofte mye raskere. Vi er stolte av rask leveringstid for alle våre Instagram-tjenester — og vi garanterer det!

  • Hvorfor bør jeg bruke Twicsy?

    Vel, våre svært rimelige priser er en god start, men det går mye lenger enn det. Hver av grunnleggerne våre har mer enn et tiårs erfaring med å tilby sosiale medietjenester og har spesialisert seg på å øke Instagram-tilstedeværelsen til noen av nettets beste nettsteder. Du vil motta ekte visninger fra ekte brukere, utnyttet på riktig måte for å sende din IG-tilstedeværelse og innflytelse skyhøyt.

    Og våre kundeservicemedarbeidere som er tilgjengelige hele døgnet, står alltid klare til å tilby service av høy kvalitet, enten du har spørsmål om bestilling eller trenger en tilpasset pakke med visninger, følgere og likes.

  • Vil bruk av Twicsy få kontoen min utestengt?

    Aldri. Twicsys eksperter forstår nøyaktig hvordan Instagram og algoritmen fungerer. Ingenting av det vi gjør vil bryte Instas vilkår på noen måte som setter kontoen din i fare. Kjøpene dine og kontoen din vil forbli trygge og sikre gjennom hele prosessen.

    For best resultat anbefaler vi også kjøp av Instagram-følgere og Instagram-likes.

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5 / 5basert på 37 anmeldelser

Sep 14, 2024

I plan on ordering again!

The video views did just what you said they would. My views were up over what I normally get for a video by nearly 100%, my likes increased by 40%, and followers went up 20% after buying only 2500 views for seven dollars or so. I can only dream of what 10000 views would do, and I plan on ordering them as soon as I add more fans for my account. Great job.
Jasmin U.Verifisert kjøp

Aug 19, 2024

Girlfriend approved

My gf was complaining about all the time I was “wasting” on creating Instagram content since very few people actually watched my vids. I didn’t want to admit she was right so I found Twicsy and sent 500 views to a few of my posts. I figured it was a good deal, five or six bucks to stop the complaints. It was a much better deal than that since I started getting lots of views and likes from the new audience the Twicsy likes generated. I didn’t teach her a lesson…she taught me one (although she doesn’t know it). I always buy likes for my vids now, and we’re both happy.
Don’t Use My Name PleaseVerifisert kjøp

Mar 18, 2024

Blown away

I spent $1.99 for 500 views and I was blown away. My video that had only been seen by two dozen people suddenly was getting a huge audience. An extra 300 viewers (not the ones I bought, extra ones) saw it within three days, almost half of them liked it, and a quarter of them decided to follow me. If people knew they could get that kind of growth by spending two bucks, Instagram would be even more competitive!
NickVerifisert kjøp

Jun 05, 2024

Explore page

Started buying Twicsy views six months ago, a bigger package every month as I grew more popular thanks to your follower service. Guess what happened? 25,000 real Twicsy views put my video on the Explore page, and I couldn't be more thrilled. All the time I put into creating content finally feels worth it.
DanielleVerifisert kjøp

Apr 22, 2024


You deliver thousands of video views in just a few minutes? I didn't believe it until I saw it happen…and I wouldn't have believed the audience growth that followed unless I saw it too. You guys are masters of the Instagram universe.
Kev K.Verifisert kjøp

Jul 10, 2024

Going viral

You sell packages of 50,000 Twicsy views now? I'm an influencer and that's right up my alley. Your smaller packages help me get onto the Explore page, maybe the huge one will let me start going viral with my posts! Sign me up!
Name WithheldVerifisert kjøp

Jun 12, 2024

Nice work!

I have no idea how you do what you do so fast. I ordered 25,000 views at 3 pm and by the time I opened my Insta app at 3:03 pm there were already 15,000+ new views on my video. The rest showed up within 15 minutes. Don’t get me wrong, I love the effect they had since my video was shown to a huge new audience. But I keep shaking my head at how quickly you can deliver views that work so incredibly well. Nice work!
Rand P.Verifisert kjøp

Apr 21, 2024

Highly recommended

It’s been about six months since I started buying Twicsy Instagram followers and I’ve been pleased with my account’s organic growth. I finally tried adding video views too, and they’ve been great at increasing my engagement rate and follower growth. My audience is bigger than ever and my fan base is growing faster. Highly recommended.
LanaVerifisert kjøp

Mar 01, 2024

We’re impressed

Our social media consulting business performs many different tasks for clients, from helping them produce captivating videos to writing and scheduling their posts. But backing it all up are the views we buy from Twicsy, which provide the immediate gratification that clients need to see while we do the rest of our work to improve the quality of their content and the visibility of their accounts. The views help with growth, of course, but they also get clients saying “we’re impressed with what you’re doing!” just days after they sign up with us.
Marc, VP of EngagementVerifisert kjøp

Mar 01, 2024

We’re impressed

Our social media consulting business performs many different tasks for clients, from helping them produce captivating videos to writing and scheduling their posts. But backing it all up are the views we buy from Twicsy, which provide the immediate gratification that clients need to see while we do the rest of our work to improve the quality of their content and the visibility of their accounts. The views help with growth, of course, but they also get clients saying “we’re impressed with what you’re doing!” just days after they sign up with us.
Marc, VP of EngagementVerifisert kjøp

Feb 22, 2024


Your Instagram video views munch. I love how they get lots of new people watching my content and how they bring in lots of new followers. Definitely worth the low price.
Ava K.Verifisert kjøp

Jan 15, 2024

That’s unreal

I was sick of posting Instagram videos and having less than 50 people watch them. Then I read something that said a higher view count could get more people to watch. I figured I had nothing to lose, since 5,000 views from Twicsy costs less than I spend on having a pizza delivered. The views showed up right away – and after a week, my view count was 12,834 and I had hundreds of new followers, too. I went from 50 people watching one of my vids to almost 8,000 (not counting the Twicsy views)? That’s unreal. You’ve got a regular customer.
Charlie W.Verifisert kjøp

Oct 31, 2023


When I was planning to grow my IG account and decided to use Twicsy, I considered video views to be an afterthought since you include views with the likes you sell. I finally tried them last week and I can’t believe what I was missing. They increased my popularity even more than your likes do, and I’m back for more. If anyone’s reading this: VIDEO VIEWS WORK!

Gali P.Verifisert kjøp

Oct 24, 2023

Totally legit

Totally legit and I can’t quit. Your engagements blew the doors off my Insta account and made me a real star with 250K followers. I still use them all the time, and I’m loving your views – they’ve sent the audience for several of my posts into orbit.
CamronVerifisert kjøp

Oct 18, 2023

Huge bump

Our social media service uses Twicsy followers and likes all the time when building clients’ Instagram popularity and exposure. And here’s one of our secrets: whenever a client is concerned about growth that’s too steady, we hit some of their posts with Twicsy video views. Their metrics get a huge bump, they’re happy again, and we can go back to creating more measured growth for them.
Anonymous, Social Media LeadVerifisert kjøp

Oct 10, 2023

very satisfied

I’m very satisfied. The views were cheap, they were delivered extremely quickly, they’re all real and high-quality, and it made me happy to see such a high view count. But what matters is that I’ve gotten a lot of new followers from the extra exposure my video got after Twicsy’s views kicked in.
Jilly BeanVerifisert kjøp

Oct 04, 2023


I tried a couple of other places that sell Insta likes and views, and most of them disappeared soon after they were delivered. Now that I know how most websites work, I’m guessing they were likes and views from bots. I’m just glad I didn’t lose my account. I did a lot of reading and research after that and ended up buying from Twicsy, and you’re for real. All of the views and likes are still in my account and my videos have more new viewers than ever before. My rating is 10/10.
JermaineVerifisert kjøp

Oct 01, 2023

Relly happy

We’re a business that depends on online word of mouth, we put a lot of our social media efforts into Instagram, and we’re a very satisfied Twicsy client. Your followers were instrumental in helping us build our follower base to almost 25,000 customers and fans, and at this point, your video views (and likes) are key elements in our strategy to showcase our services to a large audience of potential customers who don’t know about us yet. They always boost our exposure and stimulate sales, and we’re grateful.
Elise J., Marketing DirectorVerifisert kjøp

Sep 27, 2023

Relly happy

Really happy with the views I bought. Expected that many more people would get a chance to see my posts, and they did. Didn’t expect to see a 25% increase in my follower growth but I did and I’m delighted. More, please!
ClakVerifisert kjøp

Sep 23, 2023

Do it all

Impressions, up. Reach, up. Engagement rate, up. Engagement rate by reach, up. Follower growth rate, up. Can’t think of anything else I would want a package of video views to do, and Twicsy’s views do it all.
Abir M.Verifisert kjøp

Sep 19, 2023

Couldn’t do it without you

I’m sure people think that IG influencers have a charmed life, just making videos and making money. They don’t realize that followers don’t grow on trees – you have to work for them. Thankfully Twicsy does most of that work for me, and buying your video views is an essential component in my strategy to attract tens of thousands of new viewers and followers. I couldn’t do it without you.

Maizie R.Verifisert kjøp

Sep 15, 2023

Worked really well

The views were delivered really fast and worked really well. Audience for my vids is larger than ever and I added a lot of followers, too.
TerrellVerifisert kjøp

Sep 12, 2023

Great job

I run my own small company and usually manage my social media accounts by myself. But when I wasn’t getting the exposure on Instagram I hoped for I hired a consultant. He looked at my account, and his first words were “You need to use Twicsy.” He laid out a complete plan for buying followers, likes, comments, and video views, and my only real objection was to buying views; it seemed too transparent. He convinced me to try it anyway, and I’m a believer. The overall numbers were impressive, but my Instagram growth hit another level when I added your views. They do a great job. Thanks for everything.
Herman, CEOVerifisert kjøp

Sep 02, 2023


I only had around 100 followers when I started buying followers from Twicsy, and you’re the reason I’m almost at 100,000 fans today. What made a huge difference in my growth was buying views and likes in addition. My follower growth almost doubled as soon as I began buying all three types of engagements, and I was surprised to see that your views were an extremely important part of that picture. I’m not stopping now, keep them coming!
Rashid DVerifisert kjøp

Aug 28, 2023


Didn’t think I needed to buy video views since you include free ones when I buy likes. I gave it a try anyway since I got a lot more views in a separate package. And I’m a convert. First, your views brought in tens of thousands of additional viewers. Second, a lot of them ended up following my account. I should know not to doubt Twicsy – you sell separate Instagram views for a really good reason.
Frankie F.Verifisert kjøp

Aug 26, 2023


Twicsy’s followers work. Twicsy’s likes work. And now that I’ve bought their video views, I can vouch that they work, too. Reach and impressions skyrocket, engagement rate for the posts soar, and my posts that receive the views are always my top-performing ones.

EricVerifisert kjøp

Aug 20, 2023

Substantial increase

We’ve increased our Instagram presence substantially with the help of Twicsy followers and likes. But we’ve also made a calculated business decision to add video views to our posts on a regular basis. From our experience, a high view count entices large numbers of potential new customers to watch our fun product demos and buy from us. Your views work wonders.
Samantha B., Social Media CoordinatorVerifisert kjøp

Aug 11, 2023


Why do I buy your video views? Here’s an Instagram influencer’s secret: when I post a video it usually gets tens of thousands of organic views, since I have hundreds of thousands of people following me. But when I add 25,000 Twicsy views (for less than 50 bucks) on top of that, that automatically means I’ll get at least 100,000-200,000 new viewers for my video, and a few times the vids have hit a million views! My sponsors are happy, and that make$ me happy al$o!
Fashion BabyVerifisert kjøp

Aug 11, 2023


Hail Twicsy! Your video views are incredible, increasing my engagement rate on posts by as much as 50% and my account’s engagement rate by 25% all by themselves. They also grow my follower base since many of the new viewers decide they want to follow me to see more of my content. I’ve tried a few other sellers and they don’t come close to those numbers. Great job!

Margaret WVerifisert kjøp

Dec 28, 2022

Top notch

Everything top notch. Easy to order, all of the likes I bought showed up in less than an hour, views started increasing dramatically the first day, and now I’m getting tons of likes and new followers. I’ll be back for more. 10/10
Jiang T.Verifisert kjøp

Aug 18, 2022

I’m hooked

I was banging my head against the wall for months making videos and trying to understand why no one could see them except my friends. I tried buying followers and likes from Twicsy as a last resort and all of a sudden I was piling up views, likes and followers like crazy. Its so weird that your service works, but it does and I’m hooked! Thanks 😊
Tori L.Verifisert kjøp

May 13, 2021

It just works

I’m still not sure I understand how it works. But it works. My Insta account was stuck at 27 followers for months and months while I watched other people building big followings. I came across Twicsy by accident and figured “What do I have to lose?” So I bought some views and likes for one of my vids to see what would happen. Poof! Thousands of people saw the video and hundreds started following me. You guys work wonders. Thanks.
D. R.Verifisert kjøp

Mar 16, 2023

All the difference

Dear Twicsy, you rock! I should have written this a while ago, but I finally got around to thanking you. Believe it or not, you made me an IG influencer! I was having trouble getting my account past 150 followers until someone I talked to at a meet-up suggested buying interactions. I bought my first followers 18 months ago, and they worked so well I kept doing it, adding likes and views too. I’m over 100K followers, still growing, and I even have sponsors now! Sure, my content has always been good, but the difference between 150 followers and 100K followers was Twicsy.
Megan K.Verifisert kjøp

May 06, 2022

Numbers going up

It’s a real rush to see my numbers going up when views and likes from Twicsy show up, but the bigger rush is watching the numbers continue to climb for days and weeks after that. I had my first “viral” video last week thanks to you!
Marcus J.Verifisert kjøp

Feb 01, 2023

Great work

I’m happy to provide a recommendation for Twicsy’s Instagram services. We use them regularly to support our non-profit’s posts and stories, and they’ve helped us build a thriving community of supporters, donors, and fans. The followers, views and likes initially made us appear bigger and more influential to our target audience, but since then they’ve helped us grow our Instagram presence considerably. Many thanks for your great work.
Heather F.Verifisert kjøp

Oct 20, 2022

Growth beyond dreams

Anyone who wants to be an Instagram influencer needs Twicsy. Their followers triggered my account growth beyond my wildest dreams: 300 fans in 2021, 500,000+ fans today! Don’t sleep on their views and likes either, which have made four of my videos viral with more than a million views!
AshleyVerifisert kjøp

Aug 06, 2023

So simple

I never completely understood how buying Instagram followers and likes could get you new followers and likes, even though I’ve seen first-hand that it does. What makes complete sense to me is buying video views, because I know that I always watch videos that have had tons of views. I buy all of those engagements from Twicsy, but I absolutely love buying views because they’re inexpensive and they boost the audience for my posts dramatically.
PeteVerifisert kjøp
Visninger av høy kvalitet
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