How to Block Someone on Instagram

There are all sorts of reasons why you might want to block another user on Instagram. Blocking someone means that…

There are all sorts of reasons why you might want to block another user on Instagram.

Blocking someone means that they can no longer see your posts, comment on your stories, or contact you via the Instagram app. It also means that you will no longer see their posts and updates, cutting all ties between your accounts.

If a user is messaging you too much or you are becoming frustrated with their content, there are other actions you can take to restrict and limit your interaction on Instagram without blocking them – more on that later.

But first, how do you block someone completely on Instagram, so that they can’t see your profile and you can’t see theirs?

3 Steps to Block Another User on Instagram

  1. On your Instagram app, navigate to the profile page of the account that you want to block
  2. Click on the three dots at the top right hand corner of the screen, next to the notification bell
    How to Block Someone on Instagram 1
  3. Click on ‘Block’ – the second option in a bright red font
    How to Block Someone on Instagram 2

A pop up box will provide a little more information about what it means to block a user, before asking you to confirm the action you want to take. At this stage, you can choose to simply Block or to Block and Report the account. The latter option is recommended in cases where a specific account or user has been harassing you, or in cases where their content is deemed inappropriate. Reporting a user will flag the user to the app, where it will be explored in greater detail.

Can You Unblock an Account?

If you accidentally block an account, or you change your mind about blocking them, you can very easily unblock them again by visiting the profile page and selecting the blue ‘Unblock’ button.

If you wish to follow them again, you will need to do so manually as you would with any new user account that you come across. Otherwise, the user will be unaware that you blocked and then unblocked them.

The Difference Between Blocking and Restricting a User Profile on Instagram

If blocking someone feels a little too strong, but you find that they comment too frequently on your posts or that you are seeing too many updates from them, an alternative action you can take is to restrict them.

This means that the user can still message you or comment on your posts, but you won’t receive notifications of these actions. They will be able to see the comment they leave or the message they send as normal, but you won’t see it unless you choose to uncover it.

Restricting someone is a good option in those cases where you want to limit interaction with someone via Instagram, without causing upset or a disagreement between you and someone who you may know or see often.

Concerned About Another Instagram User?

If you are looking to block or restrict another user who you believe is harassing you, the best thing to do is to report the account. Instagram should be a safe place for users from all walks of life to interact and discover new communities – with reporting one of the most efficient ways of keeping the social app an inclusive and enjoyable place for everyone.

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