How To Hide Likes On Instagram

Instagram made headlines when it began hiding likes back in 2021. Since then, users can opt to hide any likes…

Instagram made headlines when it began hiding likes back in 2021. Since then, users can opt to hide any likes on the posts they see and make. 

While it doesn’t completely hide your likes or erase them, hiding the like count on Instagram can still be good for you. Knowing how to not show likes on Instagram can help stave off feelings of jealousy and insecurity, and create more authentic posts as a result. This comes from the idea that likes can pressure users, according to Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri.

How To Hide Like Count On Instagram

Sometimes, it is healthier and less competitive to hide the like count on Instagram. Thankfully, it’s easy to learn how to hide Instagram likes. In fact, you’ve probably seen this feature active with other users. Those who enable it will have posts that display a few names, followed by “and others.” This means that the poster has turned off like counts for their posts, so you can’t browse the list.

How to not show likes on Instagram

Instagram allows you to hide the likes on the posts that you view, or the posts that you create. Here’s how to hide Instagram likes on other people’s posts:

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Select the hamburger menu in the upper right corner
  3. Tap on Settings, then Posts
  4. Toggle Hide Like and View Counts

You can also hide the likes on posts you make, both before posting and after posting.

Before posting

  1. Create your post as usual. 
  2. When the app asks for a caption, at the very bottom of the screen, tap Advanced Settings. 
    How To Hide Likes On Instagram
  3. This will open a new menu.
  4. Toggle Hide Like and View Counts.
    How To Hide Likes On Instagram 1

After posting

  1. Go to the post that you want to update
  2. On the upper right corner, above the post, tap on the three dots. 
    How To Hide Likes On Instagram 2
  3. This will open a menu.
  4. Tap on Hide Like Count.
    How To Hide Likes On Instagram 3

How To Remove Likes From Instagram

If you, instead, would like to unlike posts or remove your like from a post, you can do so by clicking the heart icon again.

You can also remove likes from multiple posts at once. To remove likes from multiple posts, follow these steps:

  1. Go to your Profile, then Activity.
  2. Tap Interactions, an icon with two arrows.
  3. Tap Likes.
  4. Long press on one of the photos you want to unlike. You can select multiple by tapping on the circle that will appear on other photos.
  5. Tap Unlike on the bottom of the screen.

How To See Hidden Likes On Instagram

You might be wondering how to see hidden likes. Likes can be a good metric to determine how influential someone is, track competition, and learn what posts are popular.

To see hidden likes, you can use various third-party tools that will tap into Instagram’s analytics. However, be careful using these tools, as you will be granting them access to your account.

Can People See What You Like On Instagram?

You might be wondering “Can people see what I like on Instagram?” The answer is yes, to an extent. People will be able to see your username if you like a post. If someone is trying to find out what you’ve liked and where, they can simply search for your username.

Note that this is true even if your profile is set to private, if you like a public post, according to Instagram. This is also the case for people you have blocked.

How To Hide My Likes On Instagram 

So, people can still see if you like a public post on Instagram. You might be wondering, then, how to make likes private on Instagram, so that no one can follow your internet behavior. 

Unfortunately, there’s no way to hide these likes from other people. The best course of action is to limit your interaction with public posts. 


Why do people turn their likes off?

There are many reasons why someone may turn off their likes, but primarily, it’s cited as beneficial for mental health. The negative effect of social media on self-esteem and outlooks has been largely documented, with the Royal Society on Public Health determining that Instagram (alongside Snapchat) can be “detrimental to young people’s mental health and wellbeing.” 

How do I unhide my likes on Instagram?

If you have hidden your likes on Instagram, you can easily show them again. Here’s how to show likes on Instagram:

  1. Go to your profile.
  2. Tap the hamburger icon.
  3. Select Settings > Privacy > Posts.
  4. Toggle Show Like Counts.

Does hiding like count affect engagement?

Hiding likes does lower the number of likes on a post. In a study by HypeAuditor, made as this feature was rolling out, countries with hidden likes had fewer likes on their posts when compared to countries that didn’t. This can make it harder for advertisers to determine how effective an influencer can be. On the other hand, likes are simply one metric to show influence, and hidden likes may push influencers to expand their reach in other ways.